Installing iOS 7 without a Developer Account


This post was orignally posted on Tumblr on the blog: Nerd Ramblings. View the full syndicated blog or view the original post.

Editors Note: Im gunna try to make an effort to update this blog more often.

I recently installed iOS 7 on my iPhone and iPad. I purchased a UDID developer registration for my iPhone. But with the release of iOS 7 Beta 2 which came with a release for the iPad, I wanted it, but didnt want to pay another 10$ for a UDID registration. So heres how.

  1. Goes without saying backup your device before all this jungo.
  2. Restore your device with iTunes. For me this was a prerequisite anyway cause my iPad was jailbroken and I hade to restore before I could update. Make sure you set it up as a new device, dont Restore from a Backup jsut yet.
  3. Make sure your device has the latest public software. Once again I had to do this cause the latest software was not jailbreakable so I was behind a 6.1.x release. Not entirely sure if this step is needed but I have seen other people say you should, so to side of the air of caution. Update it.
  4. Download iOS 7 Beta 2 (or what ever the latest is) for you device from a range of shady websites, ie torrent sites or file hosts. Unless you are developer and have access to Apple’s copies, in which case WHY ARE YOU READING THIS? Make sure you get the right build for your device. I know with the iPhone 5 there is like a billion different builds for US-Domestic and International phones and all the funky carrier LTE stuff. Suss it out before hand okay?
  5. Now here comes the super tricky hazor stuff. Hold Option if you’re on a Mac and Shift if you’re on a Windows, while clicking on Update Software in iTunes. This will open up a dialoge to which you should navigate to the IPSW file you downloaded for your device.
  6. Let it do its thang. And hopefully you somehow it will bypass Apples fancy checking stuff and you will have iOS 7 without a Developer account. 

It worked for me with my iPad which is has not been registered to a Developers account. I dont know why this sequence of events allows non-developers to install iOS 7 but it does. Do note though that it might suddenly change and you wont be able to do this. Or it might fail for you for some reason. In that case jsut click update normally and it will reinstall the latest public release. Or if you really want iOS 7 go pay someone 10$ for them to register your UDID if you want to be safe.